Courtney Markos

For the past seven years, Tim Bell has been the manager of L&C’s N.O. Nelson campus in Edwardsville.
“I like being a part of something as important as someone’s education, seeing students accomplish goals and being successful,” Bell said.
He also serves as an academic advisor and registers high school students for L&C’s high school partnership dual credit program.
Bell is very excited about the progress being made toward getting a sign at the entrance of the Nelson Campus. He is one of the people that make things happen behind the scenes to keep the Nelson campus operating smoothly.
“I’m proud to work for Lewis and Clark,” he said.
Despite all his duties, he still finds time to teach a business class for one semester as an adjunct faculty member.
He thrives on face-to-face interaction with students and job variety. His leadership/management position allows him the enjoyment of watching students accomplish these goals in their lives.
Bell began working at L&C in April of 2000. Up until then, he had been residing in Indiana, but, after the birth of his first child, the decision was made to move back to the greater St. Louis area to be closer to family.
He graduated from Judson University and Missouri Baptist University.
He is proud to say that his father was an administrator in education, and the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree.
All in all, Bell enjoys the time that he spends here at Lewis and Clark so much that his own son will be attending classes here in the Fall of 2018 and that speaks volumes about Bell’s perspective of L&C.