Lewis and Clark Community College is hoping to educate students with their ‘Garden of Eatin’ show on campus this summer, that will feature an abundance of edible plants.
Old Bakery Beer Co.
On Jan. 23, brewers James Rogalsky and Lauren Pattan opened the doors of The Old Bakery Beer Company to the public, located in downtown Alton at 400 Landmarks Blvd.
Improve Water Quality in the Metro East
Lewis and Clark Community College’s Office of Sustainability recently partnered with Illinois American Water and Alton Middle School (AMS) to install two native planted bioswales on the L&C campus in Godfrey.
Lewis and Clark Introduces PaperCut Program
Lewis and Clark has made a change this semester dealing with on campus printing. The program called, PaperCut, will cost students who in effect print in large portions of their materials at school.
LC Green Pass – Sorting the Facts from the Fiction
A rumor circulating on campus is that students can receive free gas money and bus passes by simply asking the Sustainability Office for them. The origin of this myth is unclear but the existence of misconceptions are still prevalent.
L&C to Neutralize Campus Carbon by 2058
The Student Sustainability Association is taking the next step toward the future with it’s goal of campus carbon neutrality by the year 2058.
Carbon neutrality simply means the elimination of CO2 and other greenhouse gases like methane.
L&C Water Festival goes Swimmingly!
Local 5th graders visited the Godfrey campus of Lewis & Clark Community College on Friday Sept. 19, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m during the 12th annual Water Festival.
L&C’s Green Commitments Pave Way for New Partnerships
Lewis and Clark Community College is dedicated to reaching the goal of campus carbon neutrality by 2058. The college has recently forged some new green partnerships as a way to advance its commitment to sustainability.
L&C Hosts Earth Week Events
Lewis and Clark didn’t just celebrate Earth Day. Instead the college celebrated an entire Earth Week.
Sustainability: A Future For Tomorrow
Sustainability is a three-legged stool that’s all about People, Planet, and Profit. Each leg is equally necessary for the stool to stand.