Lewis and Clark Community College is dedicated to reaching the goal of campus carbon neutrality by 2058. The college has recently forged some new green partnerships as a way to advance its commitment to sustainability.
Cool Off with the Ice Bucket Challenge
The simplicity of the Ice Bucket Challenge has gathered the attention of small town folks along with famous icons Charlie Sheen, Katy Perry, and former president George Bush, as well as many others.
Unexpected Guests Preach About Wickedness
On April 28, Lewis and Clark Community College played host to some uninvited guests, an unspecified religious group with a message for the masses.
Miles Davis Memorial in the Works
By popular vote, it was decided that the memorial would be located in the Alton entertainment Davis’ statue will stand at 117 West Third Street, near Chez Marilyn.
Elsah Exhibits Photography
Amateur and professional photographers gathered April 5 for Elsah Museum’s 2014 annual photography exhibit, “Elsah: A Gem in our Midst.”
Preserve the Playhouse
With all the necessary restorations that have to be completed, it will take not only the committee, but the community as a whole, to keep this project going.
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to STL Comic Con
Wizard World allows fans of video games, sci-fi, and comic books to come together for one weekend out of the year to celebrate.
Alton History Mural in the Works
“As this mural stands, it will be a proud representation of the past, present, and future of Alton and the people who live here,” said Petroleum Engineering major Dakota Parish.
Food or Tuition?
With tuition rates going up, some students right here at Lewis and Clark are having to resort to food pantries so they can continue to go to school and pay the bills.
Jazz Event at Jacoby Art Center Features L&C Performers
A Night Out at the Jacoby Art Center was held on April 10 in downtown Alton.