Ryan Roberts
Staff Writer
The Automotive Technology Department has been holding a fundraiser in order to raise money for the rebuilding of a 1959 Ford F-100 pickup truck.
Students will be able to practice their skills working on the old truck, which was bought last spring. While students will gain important “live-work” experience by repairing the automobiles of faculty and staff, they have a lot more to work with fixing the truck.
A long process awaits Automotive technology students as they will be rebuilding virtually every aspect of the vehicle, which will require retrofitting new parts onto the old truck, and salvaged parts from other cars, such as an old Ford Explorer, to fix the pickup. Some of the work which will be performed includes, welding, fabricating, building an engine, custom suspension work and custom break design.
“It’s just an extra project for them to work on.” Said Clayton Renth, the Associate Instructor of the Automotive Technology Department, talking about his students who will gain valuable skills, which will give them an upper hand in the job market.
Speaking of the finished product Clayton Renth said, “It’s going to be a symbol for the program.” Showcasing what future students will be able to do if they join the program. “We plan to use the truck for promoting the program, taking it to car shows, and using it for recruiting purposes.” He mentioned that once this project is finished, they will look for another car to rebuild to repeat the process.
For the fundraiser the Automotive Club will be offering its services to faculty and staff, who require any repair work for their cars, so that students can apply the skills they were taught in class.
The Automotive Club is a state funded facility, so they cannot charge for labor, but there is a $20 shop fee, and any parts used to fix the vehicle must be paid for. If any faculty or staff would like to support the fundraiser they can contact Clayton Renth via his email cvrenth@lc.edu concerning any issues their vehicles, and if the work needed applies to the program, it can be fixed. “Any and all donations are much appreciated.” Clayton said.