“With the death of Osama Bin-Laden in the affluent neighborhood north of Islamabad, serious questions remain as to whether or not Pakistan has been the ally it always claimed to be to the United States…”
Osama Bin-Ladin Is Dead
“At 10:36 pm President Obama announced that Osama Bin-Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda and mastermind of the 9-11 attacks was killed in Pakistan during a targeted operation…”
Completion Rates Focus For Lt. Governor Visit
“This Friday, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon will be visiting Lewis & Clark Community College and take part in a roundtable discussion on what has been deemed a “college and career readiness program.”
Officials Order Evacuations As Nuclear Plant Deteriorates
“People within a 14 mile radius around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are being ordered to stay indoors and avoid going outside…”
Nuclear Disaster Looms In Devastated Japan
“Reports from the Kyoto news agency this morning indicate that reactor number 3 at the battered Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant is now partially exposed…”
Screening Reminds About Eating Disorders
“Student Development & Counseling Services and Nurse-Managed Center for Health and Education are hosting a free eating disorders screening for students and faculty…”
New Eco-Friendly VW Bus Unveiled In Geneva
“Known as a hippy icon in the world of automobiles, the Volkswagen microbus is getting a makeover and being reintroduced to the joy of baby boomers and future hippies everywhere…”
Scale & Proportion Experiment Brought To Wade Hall Stairwell
“Kristen Bartel, an instructor of arts at Lewis & Clark Community College had students actively displaying their talents Thursday in the main staircase of Wade Hall…”
Conversion Course For Cars To Be Offered This March
“Lewis & Clark Community College will be offering for the first time, a course in converting regular cars and trucks into ecologically friendly electronic vehicles…”
NGRREC Recognized, Awarded U.S. Water Prize
With its efforts to help improve and research environmental impacts on river watersheds, the National Great Rivers Research and Education Center (NGRREC) has been awarded the 2011 U.S. Water Prize…”