Kelly Rulison
Copy Editor
The week before finals, Lewis and Clark Community College will be holding a Relaxation Day for students Wednesday, May 3, in the Hatheway Gallery from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The L&C’s Health and Wellness Committee invites students to ‘chillax’ before finals week with dog therapy, music, hula hooping, stress screenings, health rhythms, neck massages, exercise, coloring, free snacks and more.
“Over the last few years, the L&C Wellness Committee initiated and organized a Relaxation Day of activities for students on campus during their physical and mental challenges in their Final Exam week,” said Associate Professor of Dental Hygiene Vicki Hake.
Wellness is defined as the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal. Or rather taking care of oneself even though things need to get done.
“Each year the committee recruits a diversity of experiences for students to relax,” Hake said. “‘Chillax’ is a complimentary relaxation opportunity for all L&C students, and the committee continues to add experiences from student surveys after the event which is the sole purpose of the Wellness committee – for the well-being of all.”
All the activities are free for L&C students. The committee hopes students will take advantage of this opportunity as a day of rest, because, even if stressed, it can make a lot of difference by letting the mind relax for a bit.
For more information on the Relaxation Day email Sheila Emerick at semerick@lc.edu.