Meghan Markle’s Already Pregnant?

Haley Ruyle


Why are Meghan Markle and Prince Harry having the baby so soon after the wedding?

Meghan Markle isn’t getting any younger, her time of making babies is ticking away by the minute. So to her and Prince Harry starting a family right now is very important to both of them.

 Though we were all shocked to hear the sudden news of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle having a baby, the happy couple were excited to be carrying and didn’t care about starting a family this quickly into their marriage. These newlyweds, soon to be parents, are only three to four months pregnant but the wedding was only five months ago! It makes you question why was there such a rush on the baby after the wedding?

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry felt so lucky that her body was even able to get pregnant when she is at the age of 37, being this late in the fertility game for any woman, she is very lucky and hopefully, there won’t be any complications. They just hope there are no complications with the birth, or with Meghan during delivery.

I am so happy to hear that she is expecting a baby, I hope this little piece of joy will bring happiness, not into only their family’s lives, but ours as well! Meghan and Harry have shown a display of real-life true love, and have really affected people all around the world with love and happiness and I hope the next generation carries it on!

As the months go on, I’ll be very curious as to if she is having a baby boy or girl. In the royal family, the gender is not revealed until the baby is born. Though many statements have shown Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are hoping for a girl, is this some sort of clue that they are hinting towards us? I suppose in a few more months, we’ll know for sure!

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