Kelly Rulison
Copy Editor
Lewis and Clark Community College will again be hosting L&C Cares, a week of student volunteering in honor of National Volunteer Week, April 24-29.
“This is the fourth year this project has been available for our students,” said L&C Student Activities Director Jared Hennings. “For club advisors, you may have priorities for community service. I wanted you to also receive the information, to possibly motivate your club members to volunteer.”
L&C Cares is designed for our students to connect with community organizations, while making a positive impact.
“You don’t really understand the impact of volunteering until you do it,” Hennings said. “Just the effort of giving up your free time to help your community hopefully is gratifying to volunteers. It becomes a win-win… both for the organization and the student.”
Students will be volunteering at the following organizations: Alton Housing Authority, Alton Memorial Hospital White Cross Auxiliary, Alton Main Street, Alton Museum of History and Art, Alton Boys and Girls Club, Boots on the Green – Arlington Green Golf Course – Veterans Golf Outing, Collinsville Recreation District, Caravan Oasis Women’s Resale Shop, Catholic Children’s Home, Crisis Food Center, Five A’s Animal Shelter, Hope Center – Cottage Hill, Godfrey Knights of Columbus, North Alton Godfrey Business Council, Riverbender.com Community Center, Riverbend Head Start, Brighton North Primary School – Head Start Agency, Bethalto Head Start, Senior Services Plus, Sierra Club, Piasa Palisades Group, and Alton YWCA.
There may be some Edwardsville area volunteer locations as well although they are not confirmed yet. Depending on interest, those locations may include Watershed Nature Center, Main Street Community Center and Restore Décor.
Those wanting to volunteer or get more details on the exact addresses of these locations and/or what the jobs entail can contact Hennings at jhenning@lc.edu or 618-468-6400.