By Jason Saldivar Jsaldivar@LC.EDU The “Big Three” of The Avengers are Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr, Captain…
Weird History of The Blair Witch Project
By Jason Saldivar The production and subsequent “advertisement” of the 1999 movie The Blair Witch Project was treated as…
FromSoftware’s Elden Ring Presents Players with a Story-Filled Trial by Fire Amid Rigorous Gameplay
By Jason Saldivar Elden Ring is the latest game in the Souls series produced by FromSoftware Inc, released on…
The Hulk Movie Tells a Story of Family Trauma, Romance, and Rage
By Jason Saldivar This review contains spoilers. Warning: if you haven’t seen/read the content yet and don’t want to…
Rise of The Silver Surfer Falls Short in the Shadow of the Original Fantastic Four Movie
By Jason Saldivar This review contains spoilers. Warning: if you haven’t seen/read the content yet and don’t want…
Fantastic Four Review
By Jason Saldivar ***Warning: Spoiler Alert*** Fantastic Four was directed by Tim Story and released by 20th Century Fox…
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Review
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Review Jason Saldivar ***The following article contains spoilers about the game. Proceed with caution!*** After the…