By Lakyn Gardner
Welcome back to Retro review. This week I decided to go back to Ms. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man is a maze arcade game published by Midway, released in 1982. I was very fond of this game growing up, but at the time I was very bad at it so I would watch my grandma play. I don’t know what the world record is for this game, but I’m sure my grandmother beat it.
This game is definitely not my typical style as it’s a maze arcade game. Most of my games are action-adventure platformers so I stepped a little bit out of my comfort zone for this one. This game put me in my place. I must say I’m awful. Ms. Pac-Man is by no means hard or hard to control; in fact, the controls were super smooth. I’m just bad. You can only move up, down, left or right, which is extremely basic, but this skill cap is so high. Definitely a game you need to hone your skills in. However, if you watch my grandma play, it looks effortless.
This game has a way of reeling you in. It’s basic, but addictive, and that’s the beauty of an arcade game. Going back to my old review of Galaga, I would say it’s not nearly as addictive for me personally. However, I can see how somebody could get sucked in this game so easily. My grandma has been playing the game for around 30 years. It’s nice to experience something so timeless. This game was an amazing flash of the past, and an overall amazing experience I recommend. 10 out of 10.