By Alexandra Blockton
Do you ever have thoughts on learning another language or the desire to be motivated to proceed with the language you are currently learning? Many times, someone does not realize how valuable their commitment to a goal is in life, until they are willing to take the time to obtain brand-new knowledge. The article, “How to Motivate Yourself to Learn a Language,” by Abigail Parrish, was a great read that could inspire someone willing to take on the role of learning a language. It also shows how thoughts can impact someone’s mind when they have set out to accomplish goals in life. These thoughts can either be positive or negative, shaping individuals’ perceptions of themselves as they strive for success, utilizing the Self-determination continuum of motivation.
“Self-determination theory is increasingly popular among researchers looking to explore language learning,” Abigail Parrish stated. This article also emphasizes the importance of having a support system, being encouraged by others, and knowing that their partner is excited about what they are learning while taking the time out to cheer them on. This can give someone a motivational boost in knowing they will succeed. These are all key roles important to the person learning something new in life. However, when a person has the attitude to succeed, it can assist in helping motivate them to move forward with the desire to learn while having a chance to act on it.
Oftentimes, individuals fail to realize that what they think of themselves can have an overall effect on them. Someone having bad thoughts can trigger a negative mindset. On the other hand, when someone is thinking good thoughts, this can lead to them having a positive mindset. It can increase the energy drive for leading a person to stay motivated. Overcoming obstacles and working towards completing goals helps an individual’s determination and confidence. “In between, along the continuum, there are different forms of motivation. Our motivation increases as we perceive the activity to be more and more aligned with our own beliefs and values,” Parrish stated.
When someone finds value in a topic, they tend to put more effort into learning about it. Researchers determined that more information would be needed to conclude this as factual. However, many individuals may find this opinion to be accurate within their mindset. However, when something does not strike an interest, some people do not automatically steer away from it either. In the article, “How to Motivate Yourself to Learn a Language,” Parrish said, “The best way to find the will to keep going is to find that personal reason to learn- and remind yourself of it when the going is tough.”
Furthermore, researchers did not determine how much someone can desire to do something based on how much they enjoy it. If it aligns with what they believe, it could make them eager to obtain more information. If learning a new language was required of someone due to the nature of their employment, or another specific reason, sometimes those individuals would not find that learning a language or something new is exciting because it is required of them.
In addition, many researchers utilize the self-determination theory and find it to be of significant use concerning motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic thoughts. There are many good reasons why the researchers can find that to be of value. For instance, individuals motivated by extrinsic factors may not find learning a new language enjoyable, but they persist due to financial incentives, such as increased pay. This may not seem like fun for them, but the reward is a financial gain for them, so they keep going. Parrish says, “The best way to find the will to keep going is to find that personal reason to learn and remind yourself of it when the going is tough.” However, an individual who has intrinsic motivation is ready and eager to learn a language or something new in life. It just all depends on the person and how they let their thinking process affect them.
In conclusion, Duolingo is a language learning app that consists of language learning exercises and lessons. Some individuals can find this beneficial when utilized for practicing alongside their current lessons from class. It can be used throughout the day in a person’s own time, which will benefit some people. The Duolingo app did not seem to have a deep sense of meaning within this article because if the app tends to give you feedback that is not align with your grades from class it could become confusing on your actual progress of learning a language. If someone is willing to learn a language on an app, it could add value to the knowledge someone has already obtained. From my point of view, I think an in-person classroom setting or online would be a great fit for learning a language. Especially, if an individual is learning a language due to traveling or school, it is likely that they could be happy to learn it. “Learning a language is a hugely worthwhile endeavor, but two things are certain: it will take a while, and motivation will be crucial,” Parrish stated.