Ashtyn Britt
On Oct. 10 and Oct. 12 of this year, LC campus hosted free two-hour self-defense classes for Mixed Martial Arts so that anyone who registered in advance with Campus Security could learn self-defense moves in case of an emergency. This isn’t the first time that LC has hosted free defense classes on campus, usually aiming for sometime in Sept. for National Campus Safety Awareness Month. While this particular session may have happened in Oct. it is certainly never too late to know how to protect one’s self!
The turnout rate was wonderful, including students, faculty, and staff. As the main two instructors gave examples of potential attacks and defense moves against them, the class listened carefully and were eager to learn. After showing the moves to the class, the instructors would have the attendees form a line in order to make the move for themselves. The attendees were encouraged to do their best and not be afraid to let loose. Those in attendance were supportive of one another, and the air was filled with excitement as each person showed their new kicks and punches.
The overall experience was very enriching and important to those in attendance, considering the statistics of attacks on college campuses. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, or, “In 2016, a total of 28,400 criminal incidents against persons and property on campuses at postsecondary institutions were reported to police and security agencies, representing a 3 percent increase from 2015, when 27,600 criminal incidents were reported. The number of on-campus crimes reported per 10,000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students1 also increased, from 18.7 in 2015 to 19.2 in 2016.”
It is undoubtedly important that these skills continue to be taught on campus in the future, and will hopefully become even more frequent so that all who attend LC will know how to properly protect themselves.