Staff Writer
Lewis and Clark Community College offers dual enrollment programs with other colleges like Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Greenville College and Missouri Baptist University.
With dual enrollment, L&C students can take courses at any of the colleges that are affiliated with Lewis and Clark to earn credit toward degrees at both institutions.
Students who are planning to attend SIUE have their $35 application fees waived. Dual enrollment gives students a chance to speak to an SIUE adviser, Dave Shifflett, who has an office on Lewis and Clark’s campus.
“Our Dual Admission program provides a seamless transfer process for Lewis and Clark students who earn an A.S. or A.A. degree to transfer to SIUE,” Shifflett said.
SIUC is also connected with the dual enrollment program at L&C. Plus if you are enlisted in dual enrollment and are going to SIUC, their tuition stays the same as the current rate at the time of enrollment even if the tuition goes up. They also have an adviser, Amanda Sutton.
Missouri Baptist University brings the teachers to the L&C campus for classes, which means you go to class in Godfrey. According to Dr. Combs, they offer bachelor degrees in Accounting, Criminal Justice, Human Services and Management. They also offer graduate degrees which include Business Administration and Arts in Counseling. These classes are in the evenings during the week.
Greenville has option of bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education which is taught on the L&C campus. They also have a bachelor’s degree available in Organization and Leadership and a Master’s of Arts in Teaching. The adviser for Greenville is Jake Schlemper.
Some college also have 2+2 program agreements with Lewis and Clark. These programs are signed agreements which guarantee specific courses will transfer and count toward a major degree at both L&C and SIUE. These courses include Exercise Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Special Education. Franklin and Bellevue.also have agreements in place.
Thinking about dual enrollment and aren’t sure where to start? Check out the list below of advisors available to answer any questions about getting the process started.
Dual enrollment contact information:
SIUE adviser David Shifflett 618-468-2628 (dhiffl@siue.edu)
SIUC adviser Amanda Sutton (asutton@siu.edu),
Missouri Baptist 618-468-2620 or 468-2624,
Greenville adviser Jake Schlemper 618-664-6757 (jake.schlemper@greenville.edu).