Always Late TV Movie Awards Takes Center Stage at Lewis and Clark College

By Kal Weiss   

The Always Late TV Movie Awards were hosted at Lewis and Clark Community College March 5. Actor John Lehr and comedian Mary Jayne hosted the awards ceremony, which rewarded independent filmmakers for their work.  

L&C alumnus Kevin Edwards is the founder of the show, and L&C Associate Professor of Sociology Jen Cline suggested bringing the show to the college. In fact, Edwards cited Cline as an inspiration to start the event. Edwards was a student of hers twice and found her to be extremely crucial to the foundation of the awards.  

“They opened up my mind and made me see the world a lot differently, even as a small-town Midwest boy,” Edwards said about Cline’s classes.   

Edwards graduated from Missouri Baptist with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice in 2015, after completing his general studies at Lewis and Clark. He is the director of films such as “Schmetterling” and “Bonnie Conway, P.I.,” which respectively won five and six international awards. His passion for film and the arts drove him to host the ceremony.  

Many genres were represented in the nominations, including horror/thriller, comedy, documentary, and drama. The event also honored the audio-visual aspects of film, recognizing people involved in cinematography, music videos, and score.  

During the event, awards were presented for short and feature films, both local and national, in 21 categories. Directors from all over the country flew in to attend the ceremony. A list of nominees and awardees can be found at  

Among the presenters were Emilee Mosbacher, Ashley Pryor, Bella Torregrossa, Caterina Clayton, Shaun Scott, Mike Ratcliff, Charles Pruitt, Ben Vogt, Sabrina Dawnn, Ashley Kinnear, Emilia Rose, Ben and Amanda Alyse Trust, and Lewis and Clark’s own Cline and Peter Hussey.  

“I wanted to bring this event to Lewis and Clark… there have been a lot of award ceremonies in St. Louis, but none here,” Hussey said.

To view more photos from the event click here.


About Kal Weiss

Kal is pursuing a degree in Graphic Design and plans to graduate in Winter 2024. After graduation, they plan to begin their graphic design career.
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