By Nick Howland
Released earlier today, this video shows what appears to be an unidentified flying object hovering over one of the most holy and respected places in the religious world: the Dome of the Rock. Located in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is where followers of Judaism believe Abraham was to sacrifice his son Isaac, followers of Islam believe Muhammad ascended to heaven here, and Christians believe many events in Christ’s life took place at this site. The video combines two witness videos taken from two different angles. So, real or hoax? Let us know what you think.
How fun! I watched the “related video”
which shows the footage from the cell phone
(taken by the dude in the second frame of above video)
.. I vote “real.”
Love the post.
Well i don’t know if it’s just me or not but the first video seems like its video shot of a picture of the place with some sort of orb put in.. So ill say fake on that count.. but the other video is much more convincing but when it cuts in the middle and then the orb takes off suddenly it just seems off…. But for me it just looks fake.
Holy Jeebus!!! That is awesomely scary!