SGA Takes on a New Chapter 

By Kal Weiss 

James Pepper has assumed the role of president of the Student Government Association (SGA).  

The SGA, characterized as “the voice of the student body” by the Dean of Students, Sean Hill, is a student-run organization on campus that oversees the college’s clubs. It provides funding for clubs, represents the interests of the students, approves the creation of new clubs, and maintains policies among the student body. The SGA comprises several members, officers, and representatives, in addition to the President, Vice President, and Trustee. It is led by Christine Strotheide, Administrative Assistant; Sean Hill, Student Activities Coordinator; and Jared Hennings, Student Activities Coordinator. 

On Wednesday, Oct. 18, an election was held for the new president. The candidates were James Pepper and Nicole Wellerman, both of whom delivered speeches outlining their goals once they assumed the position and their vision for the future of SGA. Pepper emerged as the winner, and his role as President involves “becoming a representative for the student body,” he says. His goals as president include expanding SGA into a larger and more recognized organization, working to provide more accommodations for students at events, and streamlining the process of funding for students and clubs on campus. 

“Many people are unaware of what SGA stands for,” Pepper proclaimed, “and I’m determined to change that.” 

Having an organization like SGA on campus is vital as it offers undivided support to the student body by listening to their suggestions on how to improve the school. Isabelle Flener, the Student Activities president (who is automatically involved in overseeing SGA), says that “each club has the chance to represent the collective interests of the student body to the administration and help ensure that students have a say in important campus decisions,” thanks to the power of SGA. SGA demonstrates that students’ voices matter and that they belong on campus. Being involved with SGA also gives students an opportunity to explore their role as leaders, which can aid the improvement of their work ethic and put more personal emphasis on their academic and eventual professional lives. 

Everyone is welcome. If you wish to become a part of SGA, general meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the River Bend Arena. There is also an option to attend via Zoom; be sure to contact an advisor to get the login information. 

About Kal Weiss

Kal is pursuing a degree in Graphic Design and plans to graduate in Winter 2024. After graduation, they plan to begin their graphic design career.
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