The way news is delivered today encourages conversations among readers and staff. Readers who want to engage in this dialogue are invited to leave comments.
The Bridge upholds the First Amendment rights of free speech and supports the exchange of ideas that furthers productive discussion and fosters civil discourse. We reserve the right to remove comments we believe fail to meet those criteria, including libelous and harassing statements.
Letters to the Editor
The Bridge encourages readers to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be 350 words or fewer and are subject to editing for brevity, clarity and libel. Letters to the editor are verified and must include a name and contact information, however only the author’s name will be published.
All content is subject to review by the editorial staff and all submissions must adhere to Lewis and Clark’s Student Code of Conduct. All violations will be reported to the college’s administration and security personnel.
Views expressed by members of The Bridge staff, its contributors or its readers do not reflect the view of Lewis and Clark Community College.