Helen Jarden
Copy Editor
The Peppermint Rooster Review, Lewis and Clark Community College’s literary journal, is open for creative writing submissions until February 13, 2016.
Current and former L&C students are encouraged to submit original short fiction, poetry, essays, and song lyrics, as well as anything else that could be considered creative writing.
Whoever is selected for the best story will become a Grand Prize winner, which may include a certificate and/or cash prizes.
“We are looking for high quality work,” said Lainee Frizzo, Editor of the Peppermint Rooster Review. “We accept about 40 – 50 percent of the work we receive.”
Many writers get discouraged by the idea of someone examining their work, but the editors keep their feelings in mind when going through submissions.
“When we get submissions, we never berate them. We are really nice and professional about what people send us.” Frizzo continued, “However, we don’t give feedback on the works we get.”
A common question writers face is whether or not their work will remain theirs after publishing through a journal. Many literary journals want work to be published exclusively with them.
The Peppermint Rooster Review, however, remains unique by allowing writers to keep the rights to their writing, so they can submit their work to other journals.
In addition to creative writing, the Peppermint Rooster Review is also holding a cover contest. Those that are inclined to be visually artistic can submit a design for the cover of the journal.
“No peppermints and no roosters,” Frizzo said. “We want something cool and interesting to look at.”
Covers can be submitted to ljett@lc.edu. Entries must have be a high resolution image, 300 ppi, and the cover size must be 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches.The deadline for the cover contest is February 29, 2016.
For more information about the cover contest, Louise Jett can be contacted at 618-468-3220. Writers can submit their work or any questions they have to litmaglc@lc.edu.