Donald Becker
Many Lewis and Clark Community College students ride the number 10 Madison County Transit (MCT) bus. It is convenient for students trying to save money and use alternative forms of transportation, as it comes to the school every 30 minutes.
However, that’s all about to change, if MTC has anything to say about it. MCT has proposed a change to the number 10 that would affect many. The proposition is as follows:
- Re-route all #10 trips to serve the Alton High Speed Rail Station.
- Provide service on the segment of Elm from Alby to State, previously operated by the #8.
- Introduce 60-minute service to Alton Square, with a connection to the #9 Washington Shuttle.
- Reduce frequency from 30 minutes to 60 minutes at Alton Station.
- Introduce 30 minutes’ service between Alton High Speed through Godfrey to LCCC and Walmart.
- Create a timed transfer from the #7 to #10 facilitating a faster trop to and from Alton, Wood River and Edwardsville to LCCC.
This would mean a longer and inconvenient trip for L&C students. MCT held a public forum on March 16 from 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. at the Alton station. Over fifty people came to voice their opinion on the matter. I attended the forum, but what good did it really do me? After all, MCT is a business and at the end of the day they are looking for ways to further line their pockets. In my opinion, the only thing that will stop the changes from occurring is an act of God.
With that, I dismiss the fact they even had a forum. It was a show, an act to make it seem as if they care what the public had to say. My money is on MCT still changing the route. A lot of L&C students will need to start planning for the extra time it is going to take to get to campus.