Nik Budzban
Students from Alton, East Alton and Illini Middle took a field trip to Trimpe 141 (the big room!) to play “Mad City Money” – a game designed to test your financial priorities. Can you buy everything you need, a little of what you want, and save (at least) $100 a month?
In stunning result, 45 of 46 of the participants successfully managed their money. Considering my own age (and… mishaps) – I’ll admit – this one, stung.
Alarmingly, these financial wizards are meanwhile middle-schoolers in L&C’s Educational Talent Search program, designed to assist students in meeting their potential, throughout and beyond high school. After witnessing their unnatural budgetary discipline, I’m not so sure us “adults” really know the potential of the next generation…
Warning: Conspiracy Theory. You have been warned.
“Mad City Money” seems to be a hand’s-on life-budget game, with volunteering staff-members from Midwest Members Credit Union looking/sounding like genuine independent educators – BUT, I have insider secret-info that they’re actually scientists – and they’re Searching for Talent, too…
45 of the 46 students, you have been warned.
So, besides the students who should check their new/perfect credit-score, what now? Well, being serious, the collaborating organizers of the event have truly earned a shout-out.
If you don’t know what a Credit Union is, I recommend searching “Credit Union vs. Bank.” If then, you want the real deal – “Midwest Members Credit Union” may be looking for you.
As for the L&C program, Educational Talent Search, I’ve talked with Lynn Ingram, the assistant director, and she would be happy to help anybody she can. The program is federally-funded and designed to assist under-supported students with their academic (and life!) success. Look it up! You, or someone you know, may qualify. Even if not, the first step leads to the next. Keep looking…
The final shout out goes to the wiz-kids… Keep budgeting! Knowing the costs of life can empower you to afford it. Choose frugal over fancy – and save your money/time for what’s most important. Often, the most valuable stuff of life, is priceless.