Interim President Lori Artis Ensures that L&C is on top of the Pandemic Response

By Dillon Neibel

With the stay-at-home-order in effect, The April 14. Board of Trustees meeting was held virtually through the video communication service of ZOOM.

Although it was a relatively short meeting, it allowed the Interim President of Lewis and Clark Community College, Lori Artis, to give the Board and others some updates on the current situation in regards to the pandemic.

“Everyone is playing an integral role in keeping the college moving forward,” said Artis.

Courses have been moved to online and anyone who can work from home is. As for the courses and programs that require hands-on interaction, they are postponed until it is deemed safe for a return to campus.

“We recognize online learning is not what most of our students signed up to do, and not all students can be successful in an online environment, so we are working with support staff and faculty to do everything we can to support student learning. We have moved all of our student support services online as well and are communicating with students how they can access those services remotely,” said Artis.

Artis gave great recognition to the faculty for all of the work they did in converting to an online environment and to the security and staff who continue to work on campus and practice the guideline of the Center of Disease and Control (CDC).

“We have been challenged to think creatively about how to serve students, and we want to thank the Board for their support of our needs in order to move into this remote environment.” These are definitely unprecedented times. No one could have predicted the challenges we are encountering daily, but I have to commend the administration for their daily leadership to help us find solutions to the issues our campus community is encountering,” said Artis.

Artis explained that with all things considered summer classes will likely be held online as well and that the graduation ceremony will be moved to Dec. 20

The Board went into executive session to discuss the college’s presidential search and upcoming interviews.



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