Garden of Eatin’



Image title: Fresh cut fruits and vegetables Image from Public domain images website,
Image title: Fresh cut fruits and vegetables Image from Public domain images website,
Julia Johnson
Business Manager


Lewis and Clark Community College is hoping to educate students with their ‘Garden of Eatin’ show on campus this summer, that will feature an abundance of edible plants.

Emphasizing sustainable agriculture and small-scale home gardens, Garden of Eatin will have several different plants and flowers, ranging from citrus trees to nutmeg-scented geraniums.

The project is being coordinated by Horticulture Manager, Kara Mayfield, and is being installed and designed by Terra Designs.
The show is planned to have multiple sub-themed areas that center around different uses of plants for various types of food and drink.

“There will be a ‘spirits and suds’ garden showcasing where our favorite ‘happy hour’ beverages come from- including massive agave, junipers, and a 20’ tall hop-vines growing on trellises. Each planter will symbolize a different drink like ‘bourbon on the rocks’, and ‘margaritaville’. My favorite area is the wood-fired pizza oven- I’m hoping to get student involvement and have a pizza day,” Mayfield said.

The show’s peak will be in late July through early August, just before the start of the 2015 fall semester. There is a planned celebration of the garden in the late summer, but there isn’t a confirmed date yet.

Mayfield and landscaper, Kim Baker, will be present throughout the garden shows to answer any questions visitors may have.

Students are reacting positively to this year’s theme:

“I think it sounds more interesting and might get people on campus more interested in sustainable agriculture. It may also bring more people onto campus from the community to view the show,” Graphics and Photography major, Alexis Heacox said.

Garden of Eatin’ is the third garden show at the Monticello Sculpture Garden, which was dedicated in spring 2012. The first show was ‘Menagerie in Bloom’, which featured flowers planted in the shape of animals. Those involved feel that Garden of Eatin’ continues to raise the bar for the annual garden show.

“Our goal at the L&C Monticello Sculpture Garden is to be an outdoor learning laboratory. It could not be more accurately portrayed than educating the students and community about food sources, and to inspire people to grow their own gardens!” Mayfield said.

Those interested in getting involved with the Garden of Eatin’ this year can contact Mayfield at, or at (618) 468-3140 to find out about volunteer opportunities in the garden throughout the summer. Show information can be found at



Contact Julia Johnson at


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