Entertainment On a Large Scale – LC Students Enjoy a Fun-Filled Game Day in the Commons


By: Kal Weiss


Lewis and Clark students had a blast at the Commons on Tuesday, March 21st, during a game day event that offered a variety of games, including cornhole, giant Jenga, giant Connect 4, Under the Knife, checkers, and bouncy horse races. The event also featured free burgers, fries, and grilled cheese for all to enjoy. 

This semester’s game day was a repeat of last semester’s event, which also had a great turnout. Both took lots of work, but the work paid off. 

“We have bi-weekly meetings, and we try to come up with an event every week throughout the month,” Isabelle Flener, the president of Student Activities, commented.  

The turnout this semester was exceptional, with over 200 students showing up. People were lined up outside the Commons doors before the event started. To the surprise of Student Activities, the burgers were sold out by the time the event started. 

Jared Hennings, the advisor for Student Activities, said, “When I plan for food, I plan for about 125 people. The problem was that we had food that students know and love.”  

By far, it has been the most successful game day. The event’s location in the Commons, as opposed to Hatheway, allowed for more foot traffic and contributed to its success.  

New games were introduced this semester, which included Under the Knife and the bouncy horse races. Elite Events, the contractor for the event, had previously worked with Lewis and Clark for Fall and Spring Fest, both of which had great turnouts. The school pairing with Elite had a big impact on how much fun people had. 

The students enjoyed it thoroughly. Charlie Kraushaar and Owen Roberts, two students who attended the event, said that it was “very fun” and that “[they would] do it again.” 

Student Activities is now planning on having it every semester. 

To view more photos from the event click here.

About Kalia Weiss

Kal is pursuing a degree in Graphic Design and plans to graduate in Winter 2024. After graduation, they plan to begin their graphic design career.
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