Continuing of the COVID-19 Stay at Home Order

By Alexandra Blockton

The continuous stay at home order has caused many issues with numerous human beings. Whether it is losing their employment, being laid off or having to be at home 24/7.

Of course, this order has been put in place for the greater good but, it gets worse when many people decide not to follow the orders that have been put into place.  It feels as if it may be reasonable to assume that this order may be extended for more time because more individuals continue to be diagnosed with Coronavirus.

Stay home and follow healthy guidelines such as regularly washing your hands, using hand sanitizer, disinfecting areas that are being touched more often, etc. because a clean environment will help keep everyone safe.

The main issue amongst everyone within the stay at home order is practicing social distancing. It is best to refrain from being in crowds and being within six feet of another individual. If we would all follow these rules it would make a better outcome of the crisis that we are all currently in. I am quite sure we are all tired of being home, but it is for our safety!

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website over 5001 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in Illinois. This is so sad and has gotten way out of hand. The Illinois Department of Health also reported on April 11, 2020, 1,293 new cases of Coronavirus with 81 additional deaths. There have been, in total, 19,180 cases, including 677 deaths, located in 86 different counties in Illinois. The ages of the individuals in these cases range from one year olds to elderly individuals being over the age of 100.

Currently, there is no set date when the stay at home will be lifted and we will be able to get back to our normal lives. It is such a stressful situation we are all facing at one time, but we have to take care of ourselves as well as our families because it can get worse. This disease can attack anyone, and the worst part about it is that once someone has contracted the disease, they may not feel the symptoms right away.

I am quite sure students of all ages are ready to get back to school. Not to mention all the students who will be graduating this year that have been looking forward to walking across the stage for graduation. They are unable to experience this once-in-a lifetime memory. I am quite sure once everything is back to normal, certain matters will be accommodated for, but at this time, no one has any clue exactly when the stay at home order will be lifted.

There are many activities to do while being homebound for the time being because I am quite sure we all get bored. It will definitely be beneficial to making the best out of our time. By reading more, taking walks to get fresh air from being inside your home so much, spending quality time with your families, etc.

Many individuals have no clue at all whatsoever when we will be able to return back to our normal everyday living. Remembering to listen and do right by the stay at home order will be beneficial for everyone. If you happen to have to go out in public for groceries, pharmacy, and/or doctor’s appointments, whether you are feeling ill or not, please wear a face mask to help prevent yourself from contracting this deadly disease. No one knows exactly where this disease is coming from, and there is no cure to it all. Keep you and your family safe because you are all what matters the most. When contracting this disease you never know if you will make it out alive! Take care of yourself by all means necessary!

About Alexandra Blockton

Alexandra is pursuing an Associate Degree in general studies as a Transfer Student. After Fall 2023, she will transfer to a 4-year university to major in Psychology.
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