Editor in Chief
Lewis and Clark’s campus is filled with people from all walks of life. L&C includes traditional students, nontraditional students, commuters, local residents, associate degree seekers, transfer students, students wanting to complete certificates, faculty and staff.
Two things tie all these people together: the first being, we all are connected to L&C in some fashion, the second is we have all needed advice at one time or another.
There is no shame in asking for someone’s thoughts on a situation that you are unsure how to proceed with. Doctors often tell patients to seek second opinions before making any big medical decisions, so why not do the same with your personal life?
Courtesy of my father’s military career, I have lived in several states and overseas. Living near military bases growing up has left me exposed to different cultures.
For a year of elementary school, I attended in Germany. Half the day was taught in German, while the other half was taught in English. This method of teaching really brought the German and American students together to help learn from one another.
My college career started as a traditional student, studying art, until I took a semester break that lasted 10 years. Now I attend L&C as a nontraditional student in the Computer Networking Security and Administration major.
My jobs have ranged across a broad spectrum from fast food and electrical, to management and retail.
While I am no counselor or therapist, I do have a wealth of life experience. Never will I claim to have the end all be all answer for anything, but sometimes just getting someone’s perspective who isn’t so close to a situation personally can shed light on things differently.
The goal of this column is to share that experience with others. I would love to hear from you, and I will publish interesting questions, with my responses, in upcoming editions of the Bridge.
Any students, faculty, or staff that are seeking advice can drop an anonymous letter to us outside of our office , 1311/1315 CW , in the designated drop box. If you have comments, concerns, or suggestions for the Bridge you can submit those in the drop box as well.
Contact Athena at athenawhitty@yahoo.com