Scary Horror graffiti image by Eltpics shared for limited reuse under creative commons license (
by Morgan Cates
Talk to the Bridge: What is your Favorite Scary Movie and why?
“‘The Strangers’, the first time I saw it, it felt incredibly real and freaked me out–to this day I’m still terrified of home invasion.”
Marion Black, Brighton, Ill., Music Education major
“‘Nosferatu’, it’s a classic horror film, and the lack of talking adds a ‘scare factor’ that came before films had sound.”
Morgan Laughlin, Staunton, Ill.,Graphic Design major
“‘Gothika’ because it is very suspenseful, with lots of plot twists and an unexpected ending, but it’s not too scary.”
Courtney Haida, Wood River, Ill. Web Design major
“‘Halloween’, it was the first scary movie I ever watched.”
Chase Griffith, Carrollton, Ill. Graphic Design major
“‘Dark City’, it’s like a noir, yet futuristic–lots of murder, except they’re actually having experiments done on them, in space!”
Ryan Christlibe, Topeka, Kan., Graphic Design major
“‘House of 1,000 Corpses’ because it was created by Rob Zombie, it’s more psychological, and there’s just nothing like it.”
Courtney Wallendorf, Wood River,Ill., Radio Broadcasting major