Time to Mask Up!

By Krystie Morrison



As the beginning of the semester nears, many people are wondering what precautions are being taken for safety as students are allowed back on campus. Don’t fret because Dr. Sean Hill has sent out a mass email regarding this subject. Lewis and Clark students are set to return to the grounds on Aug. 23 and are being required to mask up despite their vaccination status.

COVID-19 is on the rise again and the Delta variant is traveling through the country. To keep students safe, Lewis and Clark Community College is asking that everyone continues to practice safe social distancing and wear a mask when inside and when social distancing is not possible.

Not only is LC requiring masks, but they will instill the same precautions they have had since the beginning of the pandemic. Some classrooms, like in Wade Hall, will continue to have dividers to maximize the protection against COVID-19 for students. Hand sanitizer will be found in every classroom and different areas on campus. Surfaces that are highly frequented will be disinfected multiple times throughout the day. Special air purifiers have also been brought into the main complex to improve ventilation and air quality and will be installed for the start of fall classes.

Aside from the universal mask requirement, LC is also requiring that all on-campus team members and students receive the vaccine. Those who do not wish to get the vaccine or are unable to will be required to get weekly COVID tests to ensure the safety of those attending face-to-face courses. The first dose should be administered to all individuals by September 5th. Included in the email is a link to the CDC’s website where students, faculty, and staff are able to find out more information about the vaccine.

As Dr. Hill states in the email to students, “we need to continue to look out for one another so that we can continue to have a safe and fun semester.” If you’re wondering how to go about getting vaccinated, please check out www.vaccines.gov and enter your zip code to find a vaccination location near you.

Lewis and Clark Community College appreciates your compliance and support of the mask-wearing guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns about these new updates, please contact Dr. Hill at shill@lc.edu.

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