This Year’s Fall Conference at Eastern Illinois University

Alexandra Blockton


The multimedia news-world of Developing Podcasts, Photojournalism Essentials, Design Essentials, Developing, Maintaining a YouTube Presence, Photoshop Basics and Improving Copy Editing Skills were workshops presented to all who attended the first day of the conference. On the second day, SPJ Facebook Journalism (Pt. 1) and (Pt. 2) by Ben Meyerson from the Chicago Tribune. As well as, Generating Advertising Revenue by Betsy Jewell EIU Student Publications and Producing a TV News Program by Kelly Goodwin WEIU-TV News Director. 

ICCJA is the Illinois Community College Journalism Association, which holds a Fall Conference for community colleges students newspaper staff from all over the state of Illinois, along with their Advisors, all join together for several workshops and an awards ceremony at the end of the event. Due to the timing and schedule, students were able to attend two workshops each day! Developing Podcasts presented by Jeff Owens who is the WEIU General Manager, was able to teach all of us students who attended this workshop with some marvelous techniques in podcasts. Such as, always being respectful during debates and being very informative to your audience. Having a high quality host and guest or co-host can make all the difference. “You have to find out what you’re good at?” “What makes you interesting?” said Jeff Owens. 

The Generating Advertising Revenue workshop was quite awesome! Being able to learn how to generate revenue with our college newspaper. Cold calling, National Ads, Online Classified and Geo Fencing are ways to generate more advertising income. For example, some of the best things to do is contact business areas, search online, automotive shops, and coffee shops. As well as universities. “ICCJA is a fantastic opportunity for student journalists to learn and network with other student journalists and professionalist!” said, Betsy Jewell.

Improving copy editing skills will help one develop their own style logo, get some good books, AP style books, and do what your local style says to do. For instance, speaking with our Adviser Louise Jett with a good source of questions to be able to receive awesome and honest feedback. “I think it’s very important that young people study journalism because journalism is essential to the health of democracy.” says, Lola Burnham.

 Journalism is reporting, writing, and editing the news for publication or broadcast. News can be factual, gossip, local news, etc. Relevant and interesting stories are all around us. Look at the entire world for potential stories. Don’t limit yourself to the newspapers and the competition. We use news for information and decisions among other things.

In conclusion, getting the chance to learn all of these different techniques from workshops held at this year’s Fall Conference was very much needed. Best of all, Kelly Goodwin was so excited to see our faces from Lewis and Clark Community College. It was rather hilarious when she said, “Writing/News is for people who like to talk, be noisy and meet people,” said Goodwin. Everyone who was in attendance laughed for quite some time! During the workshop she mentioned Godfrey, Illinois as being her hometown with a delightful smile on her face. At the end of her presentation for the workshop she was very pleasant and thanked everyone in attendance.

About Alexandra Blockton

Alexandra is pursuing an Associate Degree in general studies as a Transfer Student. After Fall 2023, she will transfer to a 4-year university to major in Psychology.
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