The Hitchhiker’s Guide to STL Comic Con






by Darick T. Earney
Staff Writer

Normally, Halloween is the time of year when it’s acceptable for people to dress as their favorite princess or action hero.

Wizard World Comic Con is another opportunity for adults to play “dress up.”

Wizard World is the home of freaks, geeks and nerds who spend months, sometimes years, constructing the perfect costumes to flaunt among their peers. This year, St. Louis gave fanboys and girls another chance to cosplay their hearts out, and meet their favorite celebrities.

There were many celebrity guests this year, including “The Walking Dead’s” Jon Bernthal and Emily Kinney. Sean Patrick Flannery shot NERF darts at passersby while signing autographs. TV’s “The Hulk” Lou Ferrigno, and the original Batman himself, Adam West, were also in attendance.

This year’s headlining guests were “Doctor Who’s” 11th doctor, Matt Smith, and his former companion, Karen Gillan. Bidding their farewell, each actor received acclaim from their loyal fans during Q&A panels.

On Saturday, April 5, St. Louis Wizard World held its second annual cosplay competition. There were many Deadpools, Deathstrokes and 11th Doctors, but this year’s big winner was Captain Jack Sparrow.

Not only was there an immense amount of cosplayers this year, but it wouldn’t be a Comic Con without comics.

Con-goers could find mint copies of their favorite heroes in Marvel and DC comics, including historically important comics, such as Detective Comics #27, which includes the very first appearance of The Batman, or Amazing Fantasy #15, the first appearance of Spider-Man.

The base cost of entry for Wizard World was anywhere from $40-$80. There were also different packages that ranged anywhere from $75 to $499, plus tax. Some of these packages included VIP passes for photos and signatures with celebrities.

Wizard World allows fans of video games, sci-fi, and comic books to come together for one weekend out of the year to celebrate their culture.

To learn more about Wizard World news updates and touring schedules, visit the official website at

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