Talk to the Bridge – What are your thoughts on Black Friday 11/25/2014 LC Students Talk To The Bridge: – Students share their opinions. Photos by Morgan Cates Staff Writer Talk to the Bridge: – What are your thoughts on Black Friday? Photo by Morgan Cates “It’s kind of hyped up more than it should be, though I’ve never participated.” Bridget Watson, Speech Pathology Major of Brighton. Photo by Morgan Cates Photo by Morgan Cates “A shopping holiday that exists? Its pretty cool, but chaotic.” David Booth, Web Design Major of Jerseyville. Photo by Morgan Cates “It’s the largest rip-off in the world. I’ve had both good and bad experiences.” Donna Ragsdale, Business Major of South Roxana. Photo by Morgan Cates “I never participate–I think its silly that stores compete over who can open earliest.” Eleanor Wright, 3-D Animation of Elsah. Photo by Morgan Cates “It’s a dangerous way to get good deals.” Josh Jorden, Civil Engineering Major of Brighton. Photo by Morgan Cates “It’s okay, you get good deals. It’s a good experience–except when it starts on Thursday because it takes away from Thanksgiving and family.” Lauren Turner, Paralegal Major or Jerseyville Photo by Morgan Cates “It’s crazy, especially when you’re working fast food!” Rachel Webb, General Studies Major of East Alton Reach Morgan at