Students share their experiences of the best April-Fools prank.
Photo by Maxine Ryan
“April 1, we had French class, and we decided as a class to not respond to our teacher whatsoever. As a response, he read the entirety of ‘The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner’ at us.”
-Brennan Larson, Alton, Computer Science major
Photo by Maxine Ryan
“My parents kept buying sugar-free Jello, and I asked them several times not to, but they kept doing it. I took their phones, put them in plastic bags, and put the phones in the Jello.”
-Draven Choat, Godfrey, undecided major
Photo by Maxine Ryan
“Best prank I ever pulled is still going on. Whenever I started at Lewis and Clark, I started prank calling one of my music friends from one of the practice rooms. I pretended I was an old man trying to sell him Girl Scout Cookies. To this day, it’s been two years, he still doesn’t know it’s me. I call him every other week.”
-Evan Shaw, Austin, Texas, Music major
Photo by Maxine Ryan
“My mother pulled out lint from the dryer, and said it was a mouse, threw it at my siblings and I, and scared us.”
-Lucas Gardner, Carrollton, Fine Arts major
Photo by Maxine Ryan
“Went down to the goat farm, grabbed four goats from my uncle. Wrote 1,2,3,5, on the goats, the school administration searched for the fourth goat for like…eight days, and came up with nothing.”
-Noah Knapp, Edwardsville, undecided major
Photo by Maxine Ryan
“One time, I gave my sister some really spicy food, then told her the cure was to drink some Coca-Cola.”
-Sarah Dhue, Alton, Computer Graphics major
great collection 🙂