Helen Jarden
Copy Editor
The Speech department of Lewis and Clark Community College is an excellent resource for students, with useful sources such as a communication lab. The department offers many speaking oriented classes for students interested in communication such as Public and Private Communication, and Public Speaking.
In order to help students with public speaking, along with many other communication related skills, L&C also has a new Communication Lab, which is staffed by Mary Busler and Brett Kalker.
Both professors have Master’s Degrees in Communication and have years of experience in teaching at colleges. Mary Busler said, “Since we tutor students who are enrolled in classes that are transferrable, all tutoring is done by tutors with a Master’s Degree in the discipline.”
The new communication lab, which was remodeled during the Trimpe building remodel, is an extension to the Student Success Center Labs. Any student can use the lab, regardless if they are enrolled in any speech courses. There are many life skills that require speaking and communication, which is why students are encouraged to use the communication lab.
“We are able to help students with all aspects of speech preparation, outlining, organization, electronic presentations, and delivery. We also work with students who seek help with preparing creating resumes and preparing for job interviews. We are able to help with research for papers as well if the Writing Lab is busy,” said Busler.
The lab is staffed from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. In order to make an appointment online, students should visit www.lc.edu/ssc/ and click on the ‘Communications Lab’ header. The lab hours are also open to walk-ins. For more information, the Communication Lab staff can be reached at (618) 468-4781.