SOUNDWAVES: (Song Of The Day) Margot And The Nuclear So and So’s

Song of the day

In honor of the band performing at the Firebird in St. Louis tonight, today’s song of the day is appropriately Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s “Broadripple is Burning.” More appropriately, the song is a live version of the song from their Daytrotter sessions.

If you have never never listened to Margot, it is an understatement to say that they are a band worth checking out. The band has a sound all their own and never lets the listener down with their albums, which contain solid tracks from beginning to end. Their sound can be classified as “Acid Folk,” but it also contains elements of  mellow pop and a bit of a twang (thanks to the folksy elements).

Check out their song below and head to the show if you like what you hear.

About Nick Howland

Nick Is the Webmaster at the LC Bridge. He is currently studying graphic design at Lewis and Clark Community College with plans to transfer and pursue his bachelor's degree at the end of this school year. He loves comics, music, and long walks on the beach.
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