SOUNDWAVES: New Fleet Foxes Song, Auction For Japan Relief


Can’t wait for the new Fleet Foxes release, Helplessness Blues, on May 3? Check out a new song the band premiered on Radio 1 with BBC’s Zane Lowe below. In addition to the title track from the album, this marks the second single to be released from the folky Fleet Foxs. Haven’t heard their first single yet? Click here to navigate to an older Soundwaves post featuring “Helplessness Blues” as well as a few other tracks that might spark your interest.

Fleet Foxes – Battery Kinzie by One Thirty BPM

In addition to putting out new tracks and causing our anticipation to rise considerably, The Fleet Foxes are also auctioning off a test pressing of Helplessness Blues on Ebay in order to raise money for the Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. This statement is listed on the auction:


Here we are auctioning off a test pressing of our new album “Helplessness Blues.” 100% of proceeds from this auction will go to the GlobalGiving Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund.

This is a double vinyl, so you’ll receive two records, one with sides A & B and one with sides C & D. We’ll include a little note with like tracklisting and other information.

These things are quite rare and the record isn’t even out yet, so it seemed like the most valuable album we had that we could auction off. Projected auction earnings – twelve dollars.

Anyway thanks for looking and thanks to everybody, musicians and otherwise, doing what they can to help the situation over in Japan right now.

Not interested in spending 3 grand (the current bid when this article was posted) on the test pressing? Shift your eyes to the right column on our site and click the Red Cross link to make a donation to the Red Cross to help those coping with disaster in Japan. Remember: any help is makes a difference.

About Nick Howland

Nick Is the Webmaster at the LC Bridge. He is currently studying graphic design at Lewis and Clark Community College with plans to transfer and pursue his bachelor's degree at the end of this school year. He loves comics, music, and long walks on the beach.
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