Telekinesis broke into the music scene with high praise last year with their self titled release. The band, who’s only dedicatedĀ member is Michael Benjamin Lerner, pieces together bouncy and upbeat pop beats with less than lighthearted lyrics about human experiences. Telekinesis’s first album, Telekinesis!, included some light acoustic breaks through the record, but their forthcoming release, 12 Desperate Straight Lines, tends to affix a bit more noisy instrumentation to their unidealizedĀ lyrics. 12 Desperate Straight Lines delves into lyrical issues concerning heartbreak, seclusion, and depression. Without paying much attention to the lyrics, it is easy to see past the emotional depth of each song and instead bob your head to the bubblegum rock that lies so deliciously on top. So, it’s your choice: bounce around to Telekinesis’s fun sound, or take a close listen and see if the lyrics resonate with some past experiences.
Click here to stream the album, courtesy of NPR, before its release on February 15. If you like what you hear, click here to pre-order the album from Merge Records.