Registration for both summer and fall Semesters begins in March. Veterans are eligible to register starting March 3rd. If you have not already registered, you should get it done ASAP. Timely education benefit payments depend on it.
After you register for classes, you must go to Financial Aid to get certified for summer and/or fall semester – even as a continuing student your VA or state of Illinois benefits, certification is not automatic.
Any delay now may affect when your benefits start back up after spring semester. Be advised, you will not be paid VA education benefits after spring semester ends and before summer or fall Semester begins. You must plan accordingly for this break in pay.
Failure to register early and not getting your paperwork to Lewis and Clark Financial Aid early guarantees your first check of the semester will be delayed.
I strongly recommend that all veteran and military students meet with an Academic Advisor each semester before registering for classes. Katie Annis is the Academic Advisor assigned to assist veteran and military students.
Katie Annis is a great resource for our vets and is also familiar with VRAP. Every semester, a student who has self-advised and registered has been surprised to learn that one or more of the courses they are taking will not be paid for by the VA.
We eventually catch these mistakes but not always in time to get things adjusted before damage is done. These mistakes may affect regular Financial Aid in addition to VA/state of Illinois education benefits.
Be ready to accept any negative consequences without trying to blame anyone else for your predicament if you self-advise.
Questions concerning L&C graduation, you can contact Heidi Scott, L&C Registrar.edu. You must apply for graduation online at the L&C website.
At Commencement, you will be given a red/white/blue graduation cord to wear in honor of your military service. The cord is yours to keep.
If you plan to transfer to a 4-year school next fall, you should be applying now for admission to that school and you should be asking for information on veteran and military education benefits and all available Financial Aid (Grants, Loans, Scholarships).
I welcome your comments on this column and/or campus life and your suggestions for future topics. Call me, email me or just stop by.
tdlane@lc.edu or 618 468-7256
kannis@lc.edu or 618.468.5255.
hscott@lc.edu or 618.468.5110