Keara Harp
When people from larger cities hear of small towns in Illinois they generally think of corn fields, midwestern accents, and boredom. They typically do not consider that a small town can be a center of art appreciation.
In the past few months, however, a local business by the name of Germania Brew Haus, located at 617 E. Broadway, Alton Il, 62002, has been pioneering events to promote community within Alton that expresses the arts. One of the events that they have produced is Poetry Slam, which takes place on the last Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. and lets the attendees demonstrate their thoughts and feelings through words.
Often times, people have the common misconception that poetry is merely a formula to be followed. Poetry, however, is indeed an art form–it is anything that turns words into art. While there are formulas for a few specific types of poetry, free-form poetry contains no rules and is a means to convey opinions on any subject matter through words. The policy at Germania Brew Haus on what can be read allows a wide range of topics to be explored. They have a policy of not censoring subject matter, though it is asked that readers keep in mind of who their audience is and to keep their tones respectful, since others may have different opinions.
If an audience member finds a poem that is being read to be triggering, it is perfectly acceptable to step out of the room and inform the staff of the situation if they wish to. Informing a staff member allows the organizers of the event to address the issue to prevent it from occurring again.
Along with Poetry Slam, Germania is also in the process of publishing a literary journal by the name of The Germania Haus Review. It is open to the public to submit their works. The journal aims to be published quarterly. Submissions are still currently being accepted. For more information, the baristas behind the counter of Germania Brew Haus are always available for assistance.
All sign-ups for Poetry Slam are accepted; which means anyone is welcomed to participate. A person can sign up at the door or beforehand by contacting Keara Harp, the organizer of the event, or Hannah Austin, the social media advisor, by leaving a message for them at the register or a message via Germania’s Facebook page.