“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you,” the late writer, Maya Angelou, said.
The Peppermint Rooster Review, Lewis and Clark Community College’s literary magazine, is calling for submissions for the 2014-2015 edition.
The Peppermint Rooster Review, a newer product of L&C, is a collection of current and former student’s works. The literary magazine, accepts a wide range of writings, including: poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction.
All submissions need to be saved as a Microsoft Word document, then may be emailed to litmaglc@lc.edu prior to Feb. 1, 2015.
Peppermint Rooster is not only looking for writers, but also artists and graphic designers. The magazine is in search of possible student produced covers to grace this coming years’ issue. The cover must be a high resolution picture, (300 ppi), and meet the dimensions of 8.5×5.5 inches.
The deadline for cover art is Feb. 27, 2015, and should be emailed to Louise Jett at ljett@lc.edu. For any questions regarding The Peppermint Rooster Review, Jett can be reached at (618) 468-3220.
Contact Zach at zsshaw.11@gmail.com