Max Camero
Staff Writer
On Dec. 24, 2014, the movie “The Interview” came out, and became one of Hollywood’s most controversial comedies.
The film’s plot details two TV journalists, played by James Franco and Seth Rogen, who are given the opportunity to interview Kim Jong-Un.
When they announce that they’ll be holding this interview on their show, Franco and Rogen’s characters are approached by the CIA, who ask them to help with an assassination attempt on the North Korean dictator.
After the trailer was released, the movie was considered a declaration of war by Kim Jong-Un himself, putting the fate of the film in jeopardy of not screening at all.
Since it’s release, “The Interview” has gained even more controversy by viewers who debate whether the movie was racist, satirical, or perhaps both.
“Regardless of the humor, both Seth Rogen and James Franco have made a very good living by parodying Hollywood. I see no reason why ‘The Interview’ should not have been made, nor that they should expand their form of satire to include the state of international politics. While the movie at best, is sophomoric and juvenile, the very fact that North Korea chose to attack this particular movie demonstrates the insular notion of their own politics, “ said Jim Price, Film Professor at Lewis and Clark.
While some viewers have mixed feelings about the film’s humor, I too have yet to form a solid opinion on it. The humor was very immature, like the jokes you’d hear young boys make in the halls of a school, but the delivery made it work somehow.
The movie itself might not have the highest rating, but the idea for the plot was a clever one in some ways. However, the movie itself may have put thousands of people’s lives in danger.
In protest against informational restrictions about the North Korean leader, a South Korean activist dropped 100,000 DVD copies of the film on North Korea by balloon according to washingtonpost.com
“I do worry that it’s existence might end up hurting the North Korean people, especially when things like this happen. Because while it may seem like a good idea, North Korean people can be killed just for owning the movie,” English major Helen Jarden said.
Despite all of the controversy, arguing, and several attempts to have the film banned, I am glad the movie was released.
“Censorship in any form is deplorable, especially from governments and corporate entities. That the egos of Hollywood were bruised and battered from their own form of email flagellation pales in comparison to the attempt to repress the freedom to express humor (good or bad) that the movie is allowed in a free society,” Price said.
The movie is available now on Netflix for stream, or DVD and YouTube, if you haven’t already had a chance to watch it. Share your thoughts on the film with us on facebook at facebook.com/thelcbridge
Contact Maxine at mcamero@lc.edu