Ever wondered who’s in charge of making sure that their computers aren’t hacked? Does anyone know how important those people are? Janice Richardson knows!
Fellow Lewis and Clark student, Richardson has been accepted into the O’Fallon, Illinois Lockheed Martin Department of Defense.
Richardson’s success as a member of Lockheed Martin isn’t the only success she has earned in school. For the past 2 years, she has been an Administrator of Lewis and Clark’s very own computer networking work-study program.
Her hard work and dedication has earned her a great reputation amongst teachers and students:
“Janice is very well at planning ahead. Computer Networking requires having a fearless attitude when it comes to solving difficult tasks, and she is one of the best at it. Students like her remind me of why I teach, and make my job much easier,” Computer Networking Professor, Doyle McClellan said.
“Janice has been a great teacher, and a treasure to have around to help me whenever I’ve had a question, or needed anything. She will be greatly missed, and one tough act to follow,” new Computer Networking Administrator, Rusty Lee said.
When Janice isn’t busy helping her fellow students, she is spending time with her husband, and playing video games with her children. She is a fan of reading, particularly young adult novels, such as The Hunger Games trilogy and the Percy Jackson series.
Graduating on May 14, Janice knows she will find it difficult to step away from her computer networking family at L&C. She is grateful for the wonderful people she has met, and plans to keep them close at heart as she takes the next big step in her life.
Although she is nervous, Janice plans to prove her soon-to-be former Professor, Doyle McClellan, correct by demonstrating her fearlessness. Protecting America from computer hackers will be all in a day’s work. Look out, “Criminal Minds”, here comes Janice Richardson!