By Jenna Shelton
Lewis and Clark Community College’s Student Government Association (SGA) has multiple duties including, but not limited to, representing the student body as a whole and its interests at the board of trustee meetings, overseeing all student clubs, providing funding for club activities and formulating policies that can affect the student body.
The SGA is comprised of elected officers, club representatives, a Student Trustee and independent members with all positions filled by students and the proceedings overseen by SGA Co-Advisors, Dr. Sean Hill and Jared Hennings, and SGA Administrative Assistant, Christine Strotheide.
Each school year, L&C’s SGA holds an election in the spring semester for the upcoming year to allow hopefuls to campaign for the Executive seats that can be elected; including President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The complete SGA Executive Board is made up of eight student officers who will be in their positions for the entire 2020/2021 school year.
There are four additional officers on the Executive Board that are made up of Representatives of clubs or organizations and are people that have their finger on the pulse at L&C including – Student Trustee; Student Activities President; Editor-in-Chief, The Bridge; Promotion Director Representative, WLCA Radio Station.
L&C’s SGA 20/21 President – Marenike Moyegun –
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Town Currently Resides In: Godfrey, Ill.
Major: Chemistry
What Marenike Has To Say… “As a new student at L&C, I made an effort to be involved on campus. I joined Student Activities and even became President of The Black Student Association to satisfy my desire to engage in cultures and create events to enjoy with my peers. During my attendance at SGA meetings, I observed the hard work and great potential of the organization and recognized how I could be a contribution. As the newly elected SGA President, I am very excited about my achievement and with the cabinet, we will do our best to make this year great!”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Vice-President – David Crull –
Age: 20
Preferred Pronouns: He/him
Town Currently Resides In: Moro, Ill.
Major: General Education
What David Has To Say… “I plan to make L&C a more fun and eventful place, while keeping safety a priority! I’m so excited to work with my fellow students and faculty this year!”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Secretary – Milli Carter –
Age: 20
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Town Currently Resides In: East Alton, Ill.
Major: Human Services
What Milli Has To Say… “I am really grateful for another opportunity to serve on this board and I hope that I will be as good as the secretary before me. I am excited for the opportunity to continue to work on the Hygiene Pantry, a project that was started last year that was put on hold due to this pandemic, that I know will be a great benefit to our students.”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Treasurer – Shaggy Draper –
Age: 20
Preferred Pronouns: They/them or He/him
Town Currently Resides In: Medora, Ill.
Major: Elementary Education
What Shaggy Has To Say… “I am very excited to have gained the position and I will do my best to help serve the student body.”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Student Trustee – Ashtyn Britt –
Age: 22
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Town Currently Resides In: Godfrey, Ill.
Major: Criminal Justice
What Ashtyn Has To Say… “I ran for this position because I truly love this school and the students in it, and wanted to step up to make sure their voices and concerns were heard. Being the student trustee has been a very rewarding experience. I’ve worked with SGA for a few years now, and am excited to continue not only the work I’ve accomplished with them but also on the college board.”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Student Activities President – Jenna Shelton –
Age: 35
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Town Currently Resides In: Bethalto, Ill.
Major: BA in Human Services with a minor in Psychology
What Jenna Has To Say… “I feel like I have been offered a wonderful opportunity being able to be on this board two years in a row. Having the ability to work with these amazing individuals, make these connections, and learn things and skills that I may not have had the opportunity to learn otherwise feels like a blessing.”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Editor-In-Chief, The Bridge – Alex Johnson –
Age: 31
Preferred Pronouns: He/him
Town Currently Resides In: Bethalto, Ill.
Major: Graphic Design/Social Media & Marketing
What Alex Has To Say… “I’m happy to be involved at L&C, I love the effort the school puts forward and the power it gives to the students.”
L&C’s SGA 20/21 Promotion Director, WLCA Radio Station Samantha Bauer –
Age: 19
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Town Currently Resides In: Hamel, Ill.
Major: Radio Broadcasting and Elementary Education
What Sam Has To Say… “I wish to be able to use my skills learned in my degree to start a podcast or speak on air regarding issues I find important to me and things I believe need change in our current world (racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc). As far as education, I wish to help raise children who will be safe and grow up loving themselves as well as others.”
SGA meetings are open to everyone and are being held only on the third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. via Zoom due to COVID, contrary to what is posted on the L&C SGA website . Further updates can be found on the SGA Facebook page .