I Never Realized How Much I Would Miss Leaving My House

By Ashtyn Britt

I cannot deny how much I have grown into learning about myself during this time in quarantine, and how hard it has been to face these new parts of myself I did not know I had. Specifically, the fact that I am probably an extrovert. In the grand scheme of things, this is clearly severely below what even constitutes a minor issue, but it is interesting how many people have expressed over the internet the same thought. It is both interesting and beautiful how much people really do need each other, and how much we take for granted, even being able to go on a walk with our closest friends.

Personally, I hate not being able to leave my home. Before, I had had a very full schedule that would often leave me up all night to stay caught up with my various jobs and projects, and now I am forced to pause nearly everything important in my life. I think I can speak for a lot of fellow students that when a few weeks ago we expressed being able to take a break for Spring Break, this really is not what we had in mind. This is much different than what we had envisioned, specifically because our extended time at home is involuntary, and instead of sharing our time with loved ones, we are sharing them with our favorite streaming services.

However, even in these hard times, I have grown a new appreciation for all the ways I fill my life when everything is normal. I grow a refreshed love for every minute I spend outside doing my best to help myself and others. Once we are all free again to explore this wonderful world we live in, I will be more careful to not take advantage of its beauty, and I will make the effort to enjoy it. I hope to see everyone else there. Please stay indoors for now, though, wash your hands, and stay safe.

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