Drew Myers
Staff Writer
A new professional collaboration is coming to Lewis and Clark Community College as the Family Health Clinic moves locations and develops to ensure a wider range of treatment options.
Currently, the Family Health Clinic is housed in Fobes Hall in the main complex of campus. This move will take the practice across the way near the Paul B. Hanks Dental Clinic in the Riverbend Arena.
Tina Russell, Family Health Clinic and Grants Compliance Manager, reported in this past month’s Board of Trustees Meeting, “The clinic had 3,979 patient visits in 2015, and that 199 Nursing students saw 254 patients in the clinic.”
Thanks to a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for 1.4 million dollars, the Family Health Clinic is also going to be able to expand its services, making it a model that can be replicated throughout the nation.
According to hrsa.gov one of the main goals of the HRSA is to, “Strengthen healthcare and related systems and networks through funding, policy development, and other levers to build and support an effective service delivery infrastructure.”
The more synergistic style of medical care will not only reduce some costs and lead to better patient outcomes, but students will benefit as well. This move will be used as a teaching tool, to achieve a more interprofessional setting. In addition to the primary services previously held at the clinic, students will work within the realm of dental, occupational therapy, and exercise science.
“This unique and innovative education and practice model ensures our graduates are equipped with the necessary skills and attributes to continue to lead and engage other healthcare professionals,” according to Associate Dental Professor, Meghan Becraft.
Another addition to this grant project, is the expansion to the L&C Mobile Health Unit (MHU), which travels to six local counties offering many primary health services.
Project Director Lucy Chappee reports, “As part of the grant project, the L&C Mobile Health Unit (MHU) will also be able to expand its services to underserved populations in both urban and rural areas. MHU events are already planned in Hardin, Fieldon and Alton this spring.”
The official kickoff of this project is projected to be early this February. For more information about the L&C Family Health Clinic, visit www.lc.edu/FHC or call (618) 468-6800.