Farewell: A letter from the editor

By Alex Johnson



For those that don’t know me, my name is Alex, and I have been the editor-in-chief at The Bridge for the Summer and Fall ’20 semesters as well as the Spring ’21 semester. Before that, I was the layout editor for the Fall ’19 and Spring ’20 semesters. Today is my last day at Lewis and Clark Community College.

When I started at The Bridge, things, obviously, looked very different. We were meeting in person, with no masks, on a weekly basis. The Bridge released a real, physical, paper, one you could hold. We had late nights in the office recording podcasts and laughing; we had long afternoons drinking pots (yes, plural) of coffee. And then… well, you know.

As much confusion, frustration and fear as there was, The Bridge remained the comforting place it had always been, because The Bridge is us. The Bridge is where I found strength, courage and drive that I never knew I had, and I sincerely thank everyone who has been a part of this. I’m going to miss my time here, but it’s left lasting impact.

I know I’m leaving things in good hands, and I look forward to watching The Bridge continue to evolve. Thank you, again, to everyone who has been a part of this.

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