Donald Becker
The Green Pass program, offered by the Sustainability Center, would like to give students the chance to earn next month’s bus pass for free.
Or, how about a $25 food voucher for the campus cafe? Students could have one or the other every month while helping the environment.
A Green Pass is an incentive program that provides monthly awards to participants who utilize alternative transportation by carpooling, taking the bus, riding a bike, or walking to campus at least once per week.
Commuting is the single largest contributor to L&C’s greenhouse gas emissions profile and represents the biggest challenge to overcome in the effort to achieve campus net carbon neutrality by 2058, according to the college’s sustainability reports.
In addition to offering Madison County Transit (MCT) bus service that leaves campus every 30 minutes, the college is currently undertaking several other strategies to combat commuter emissions.
“You don’t have to wait until the next semester starts you can sign up at any time,” said Nate Keener, Director of Sustainability. “Register today or anytime throughout the semester by e-mailing nkeener@lc.edu with your name, L&C e-mail address, and the type of alternative transportation you will use (carpool, bus, passive transit).”
To learn more about L&C’s green initiatives, visit www.lc.edu/Campus_Sustainability.