April Spotlight on Daniel Etoroma



Daniel Etoroma is a Lewis and Clark Community College basketball player who came all the way from Raleigh, North Carolina (Photo provided by L&C Flickr)
Daniel Etoroma is a Lewis and Clark Community College basketball player who came all the way from Raleigh, North Carolina (Photo provided by: L&C Flickr)
Kelly Rulison
Sports Editor

Daniel Etoroma is a Lewis and Clark Community College sophomore basketball player who came all the way from Raleigh, North Carolina to play for the Trailblazers.

Etoroma was born and raised in Raleigh, NC and got his high school diploma from Mt. Zion Christian Academy.

“My favorite hobbies were to draw, read, play video games, and lift weights to get stronger,” L&C Basketball Player Daniel Etoroma said.

He is currently attending L&C to get his Associate’s degree in Science and from there, plans on getting into biochemistry at the next four year school.

“I am not sure where I will be attending next year because I am a sophomore here, but I know I have options available to me,” said Etoroma.

At this time he is number 12 playing the ‘forward’ position for the Trailblazers.

“Usually I try to spend time with friends I room with and play video games. I also try to keep time for myself to relax and read my Bible because that is an important time for me,” said Etoroma

“Daniel has learned a lot from being a part of the L&C Trailblazers,” Head Basketball Coach Doug Stotler said.

Stotler continued, “He gains his skill from practice and working hard with his team.”

For more information on Daniel Etoroma or the men’s basketball team, email head basketball coach Doug Stotler at dstotler@lc.edu.


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