Matt Monroe
Weezer has always been an odd band to talk about with their overall career. They started off their career with two incredible albums, and since then have been coasting between mediocre and flat out terrible, up until recently with 2014’s “Everything Will Be Alright In The End” and now their fourth self-titled album, nicknamed the “White Album.”
“Everything Will Be Alright In The End” broke the critical rut the band had been in since the “Green Album” by being a good Weezer album.
However, a good Weezer album in 2014 only gets you so far. With that in mind, I’m happy to say that their latest release is not only a good Weezer album, but a good record in general.
Now, does it stand up to their debut album or “Pinkerton?” Not really, but don’t let that deter you from checking out this album, as it has tons of enjoyable tracks. Right off the bat we have “California Kids,” which has a great guitar riff and a nice hook.
If there’s anything positive to say about Weezer’s post-Pinkerton releases, its that Rivers Cuomo has a great sense of melody and gets even the worst of songs stuck in your head (I’m looking at you “Beverly Hills”).
Another great track, one that I didn’t particularly like at first, is “Thank God for Girls.” I work for Lewis and Clark Community College’s radio station, 89.9 WLCA, and this song was in the rotation for months upon end. Outside of the context of the album, the track is just plain stupid. Even within the album it’s stupid, but it’s a stupid that works.
Heck, that’s how it’s been since the beginning, as there are some truly weird moments on the lyrics of Blue Album that make you go “huh?”
My favorite track on this album though is the album’s centerpiece, “Do You Wanna Get High?” Sonically, this song reminds of the best cuts on Pinkerton, with fuzzy guitars, punchy drums, and Rivers Cuomo’s lyrics and vocals, going into his higher register which brings across a really nice and genuine performance.
Really, that’s what I felt was missing from Weezer for so many years: being genuine. After the disastrous initial reception to “Pinkerton,” where Cuomo laid his heart and soul out, no matter how ugly it was, he seemingly cut himself off the from the world, with his lyrics rarely getting too personal.
Even on this album, his lyrics aren’t that personal, but it’s in the vocal performance where Cuomo shines as he sounds inspired. I’m not sure what took him so long for him to reach that point, but I’m glad he finally made it.
However, this album is far from perfect, as there’s still some tracks on here that aren’t that great, especially the track “(Girl We Got A) Good Thing,” a cheesy and generic ballad that makes me want to throw up.
Besides that, I do really enjoy this album. While it’s far from perfect and could be fleshed out a bit more, it does the impossible for a Weezer album in 2016, being good. I’m giving “Weezer (White Album)” a B.