Lewis and Clark Community College’s truck used for training drivers is pictured above.
Chris Hartwig
Staff Writer
Lewis and Clark Community College hopes to gain momentum for two recent additions, the Logistics Management Certificate and Truck Driver Training program.
Grant funding through the Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training program (TAACCCT) paved the way for these new programs and the expansion of several others.
The Mississippi River Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Consortium (MRTDL), led by Lewis and Clark and dedicated to advancing economic development in the Mississippi River region, aims to provide students with customized training while connecting the students with employers looking to add to their staff.
Each Truck Driver Training group is geared to train eight to 12 students. This allows the instructor a chance for individualized time with students.
Each class is eight weeks long, and enables students to learn the fundamentals of driving a semi and tractor trailer specialized commercial vehicles, including a truck and trailer rig.
The first week of the class, the students will work on getting their permit. Once students receive their permit, hands on training begins. Students focus on the importance of shifting, double clutching, pre-trip inspection, post-trip inspection and how to write in the log book.
The course can also help with obtaining Hazmat and tanker endorsements, certifying the driver to legally and safely haul dangerous liquids, gases and other materials.
“This program is critical to get students who want to learn the basic principles of this industry, and to help get placed into a great career. This industry is on a decline with a driver shortage of over 150,000 driver’s country wide, and it will only get worse,” said Davie Metzger, lead instructor of the program.
Recent donations have been made to help the program along. Cassens Transport Company donated a car-hauler tractor-trailer, and Con-Way Freight donated twin trailers with a converter dolly.
In addition to the 2015 Kenworth truck and 53-foot wrapped trailer, which was purchased for the program using grant money, L&C also purchased a used single-day cab to haul the twin trailers.
One of the first graduates of 2014, Eric Gamblin, who is currently employed with Con-Way, presented the company’s donation.
Another program which benefits from MRTDL, a Logistics Management Certificate program, was launched this spring semester.
Logistics Management is the detailed organization of scheduling appropriation of individuals, products and places of business.
With this certificate, students can work as transportation and or distribution managers, or stock and material movers. It can be used to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Management and possibly be applied to a bachelor’s degree as well.
For more information on Truck Driver Training contact Davie Metzger at (618) 468-5796.
Contact Doug Schneiderheinze about Logistics Management at (618) 468-4576.
Contact Chris at chhartwig@lc.edu