As this century proceeds further into the future, all the world over is increasingly abuzz with the topic of sustainability. Paradoxically though, we arrive at this theme coming up from the backside.
We have arrived from the opposite end because for nearly all the modern, capitalistic advancement that has lead us here, we have cast other life forms to the wayside, even the living earth we walk upon.
If we placed the living world as the utmost to be upheld, this would set the trajectory for all of our decisions from the outset, and equate to sustainability.
Looking through this lense, it would therefore seem quite contrary to our advancement, to live lifestyles that: consume more than their necessary allotment, produce a plethora of things maligned with nature’s domain, and spend up every resource in sight,
Swept together by the ocean currents and estimated at twice the size of Texas, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has an area ever increasing.
Such behavior and compounding madness makes one wonder if the whole focus of human life is to see how fast we can stamp out the steady-burning wick that is the human race.
Thus, characteristics of the current plight are the quintessential opposites of sustainable practice.
To be sustainable is to live within the means of our fundamental needs. Sustainability is a choice that honors life, and the truth that life must go on, for it is the inherent inclination, thereby facilitating a harmonious relationship with right now and all that surrounds.
Sustainability calls forth from us our very best, because that’s what is everlasting.
The dynamics of our climate and our adherence to sustainable practice are in direct relation. The environment is a constant reflection of that which goes on within it, a most faithful mirror.
The very fact that so much life and diversity in species made it this far proves the lifestyles of our ancestors to have been relatively sustainable.
Daily extinctions, constant endangerment of new species, and such widespread fouling of environment are certainly not characteristic of a species that sees itself as a permanent fixture in it’s space.
If our decisions and practices were sustainable, it would surely see to it that life is thriving, affording new heights and further diversity, not narrowing every facet to a quickened oblivion.
Since humans are the dominant species on earth, the questions are left with each and every one of us: Can we live with other forms of life in mind? Can we uphold what life is left, and make choices to secure their survival?
There is no easy answer, this is a serious issue which requires earnest consideration.