If you aren’t going out of town and you’re stuck in a routine, there are some things you can try to have a more eventful or productive break period.
Go to a local park or go for a bike ride if the weather permits. If inclement weather occurs don’t let it stand between you and an enjoyable day, instead try playing some board games with a group of friends or your family. All of these ideas are excellent ways to spend time with your friends or children if you have any.
Get some new clothes for low pricing; go thrift shopping at Goodwill or try yard sales. You will save money, and you’ll have a fresh look for the second half of the Spring semester.
Try hosting a movie night or binge watching a television series. If you want a real cinematic experience go see a new film. Change your movie-going routine by going to an independent theater such as the Hi-Pointe or Tivoli.
If you are short on funding there are a lot of items in your refrigerator that could serve for a day of self-pampering. Honey, coffee grounds, vinegar, eggs, and cooking oils are all powerfully helpful home beauty ingredients. Coconut, olive, and almond oils work best for skin and hair maintenance.
Visit your local library or book store to find a good read. This may not sound very glamorous but there are many books that will have you changing your mind only after a couple pages.
There are a lot of interesting things you can do during break without leaving the area. Don’t let your break get away from you just because you aren’t roadtripping or “Spring breaking” in the popularized MTV fashion.